Інформаційний центр Європейського Союзу

Looking for official documents or project reports? It’s time to visit the EU Neighbourhood Library

From the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy to a study on civil society organisations in Moldova, from a European Parliament report on the activities of the European Endowment for Democracy to the Annual Action Programmes for all the EaP partner countries… these and hundreds of other documents on the EU’s partnership with its Eastern Neighbours are available on the EU Neighbourhood library, which has seen more than 150 new documents added in the past few months.
The library, which is being regularly updated by the EU Neighbours East project, is a unique online database bringing together the key documents that guide EU relations with its neighouring countries.
The user-friendly database allows you to search and download a wide range of materials from official EU sources and EU-funded projects in the neighbourhood. They range from Association Agreements to essential policy documents and research generated by the projects.
Each document has a short description in English and is downloadable in the original language, as well as other available languages versions.
Users can click on the country they are interested in, or the policy area, to filter documents and zoom in on what they are looking for. An advanced search option also allows you to search by source or date.
Part of the EU-funded OPEN Neighbourhood Programme, the EU Neighbours East project aims to increase understanding of EU support in the Eastern Partnership countries through improved communication.