Інформаційний центр Європейського Союзу

Ukraine: Statement by the EU Delegation on the launch of an e-declaration system

The EU Delegation and embassies of EU Member States in Kyiv on 17 August issued a statement claiming that the electronic asset declaration system launched by Ukraine’s National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) had not been properly certified and therefore falls short of creating the key legal consequences that the submission of a false declaration should entail. An e-declaration system in test-mode therefore makes little sense and might actually be counterproductive, said the EU.
"Claims that technical deficiencies are behind the failed issuance of a timely certificate are in contrast to public statements by the UNDP and other reliable experts, which clearly underline that the system is fully in line with international standards and can be used to collect and publish declarations in an entirely legal way already at this stage,” the statement said, adding: "These are the tasks that the NAPC needs to fulfil as of now.”
The EU statement added it was important that the relevant Ukrainian authorities resolve all technical deficiencies or administrative issues without delay, accordingly to relevant EU-Ukraine commitments. Hesitation could undermine Ukraine's important anti-corruption efforts, which are essential for a successful reform process, supported by the EU, the statement concluded. (EU Neighbourhood Info)